Professional Cat Grooming Services for the Los Angeles area 818-962-0228
Meticulous Cat Grooming services in Los Angeles, CA. Cateau Marmont offers the very best cat grooming around Los Angeles, CA. Our Groomers use all natural products and heat resistant clippers, so call today!
How do you know if Kitty needs a bath? If your cat’s coat is discolored, dirty or oily, stinky, matted, has urine or feces in their fur, needs a little de-shedding and/or a nail trim it may be time for a dip.
We are a small establishment and as much as we love your kitty we do not have space to keep them all day. There will be a $20 Bungalow cleaning fee if kitty is left more than 30 minutes after groom is complete.
We recommend you put a little Bach’s Rescue Remedy in your cats water before coming in. You can also dab a little cream just inside the ear to calm him/her before their visit.
All Cats Must Come In A Carrier, No Exceptions
All baths include a nail trim, and cleaning of eyes and ears.
Himalayan/Persian Baths start at $126
Long hair baths $108
Medium hair baths $96
Short hair baths $84
Sphinx Bath $50
A Kitten Clip starts at $138
Lion cuts $150
Nail Trim Only $20
Advantage Flea Treatment $20
Animal Waste Disposal Fee 3.5%
A 3.5% Discount is offered if Payment is by Cash or Check.
If your Cat is Matted, there will be an Extra Charge
Please be prepared to pick up your cat when they’re ready or pay a bungalow cleaning fee of $20
Soft Paws
Available in Different Colors
Front Only: $50
All Four Paws: $65
Soft Paws help prevent kitty from destroying furniture and are completely safe and humane. They can be used on cats of all ages. Soft Paws are vinyl nail caps that are glued on to your cat’s existing nails. They look like a cat’s nail, only hollow. They are easy to apply and cats tolerate them extremely well.
All Cats Must Come In A Carrier, No Exceptions
All baths include a nail trim, and cleaning of eyes and ears.
Himalayan/Persian Baths start at $126
Long hair baths $108
Medium hair baths $96
Short hair baths $84
Sphinx Bath $50
A Kitten Clip starts at $138
Lion cuts $150
Nail Trim Only $20
Advantage Flea Treatment $20
Animal Waste Disposal Fee 3.5%
A 3.5% Discount is offered if Payment is by Cash, or Check.
If your Cat is Matted, there will be an Extra Charge
Please be prepared to pick up your cat when they’re ready or pay a bungalow cleaning fee of $20
Soft Paws
Available in Different Colors
Front Only: $50
All Four Paws: $65
Soft Paws help prevent kitty from destroying furniture and are completely safe and humane. They can be used on cats of all ages. Soft Paws are vinyl nail caps that are glued on to your cat’s existing nails. They look like a cat’s nail, only hollow. They are easy to apply and cats tolerate them extremely well.
Phone: 1-818-962-0228
Email: info@cateaumarmont.com
10922 Riverside Dr.
Toluca Lake, CA 91602